20 Men’s Fashion Mistakes You’re STILL Making In 2020

Mistake 1. Buying Your Clothes In Sets

Clothing sets often come in plastic packaging one might see at a department store. You will see sets of shirts, ties, and sometimes pocket squares in one.

The first issue is the colors – box sets usually come in mismatched combinations that offer little versatility. You'll see bright blues and reds paid with similar ties. Secondly, they are almost always made with low-quality materials.

My advice, as always, is to prioritize quality and fit along with interchangeable colors. Don't fall into this trap.



Mistake 2. Letting Others Dress You

We're talking about store employees. We're talking about anybody that isn't you or your tailor.

Only you two know what looks fantastic through research. Knowledgeable as they may be, remember that salespeople are out to make a buck. Beware!



Mistake 3. Not Knowing Dress Shirts Vs. Sport Shirts

A men's dress shirt differs from a sports shirt although the differences are sometimes subtle. Dress shirts are typically styled to be simpler with more rigid collars. They are suitable for formal occasions. Sport shirts, on the other hand, can have bolder patterns as well as a wider assortment of fabrics.

On the left-hand side, we see the correct length of a sport shirt, while on the right we see how a dress shirt looks untucked.

Sports shirts – which are designed to be untucked – are typically 2.5 inches shorter. Can you tuck these in any way? Absolutely – just never leave dress shirts untucked or else you'll look as though you're wearing a dress.



Mistake 4. You Still Can't Tie A Tie

When it comes to fashion mistakes, this is heinous. Your very first step into becoming a well-dressed man is knowing how to tie a necktie. If you do not know, then you need to go back to basics.

The Four-In-Hand is usually the first knot men learn.

Here are some quick instructions:

  1. Start with the wide end of the tie on the right and the small end on the left. The small end should be above your belly button and won't be moved.
  2. Move the wide end over the small end to the left.
  3. Take the wide end under the small end and to the right.
  4. Take it across the front and to the left again.
  5. Bring it up under the neck loop.
  6. Bring it down through the neck loop.
  7. Tighten the knot by tugging on the wide end and moving the knot if you need to adjust.